10th Grade

10th Grade

martes, 22 de abril de 2014

Ensayo Sobre - Steves Jobs

Estimados Estudiantes,

El presente trabajo se trata de realizar un ensayo sobre el documental 
que vieron en Clase, Steve Jobs. 
Recordarles que el Ensayo tienes que ser con sus propias palabras
Al mismo tiempo hacerles saber que tiene que tener los siguientes lineamientos:
El tipo de Letra tienes que ser ARIAL - 12,  Justificado


El trabajo tiene que ser una Pagina, con tres párrafos, Introducción, Contenido, Conclusión.
Este tiene que ser mandado en Formato PDF, a mi correo, mr.neal.mesoamericana@gmail.com
Debe de ser mandado el día Viernes 25 de Abril, a mas tardar antes de las 10:00 pm.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Teemas de Estudio - Examen III Parcial

Buen Día !!

Continuación se les presenta el vinculo que ustedes necesitan
para bajar el documento para estudiar y hacer su examen del
3er Parcial.

Solo darle Click y les presentara un documento, el cual pueden
solamente leer o si ustedes estiman necesario descargar.

Examen sera el Lunes 7 de Abril, en su hora de clase.
1:40 - 2:20 pm.

Mr. Neal

Temas de Estudio - Examen - III Parcial

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

7ma - Feria Tecno Academica

Logo Escuale Mesoamericana
y 7ma Feria Tecno Academica

martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Home Work - Adobe.

First Home Work of   3rd Partial

What is Adobe Company?

What is Adobe Flash Player ?

Has to be Send by:
Tuesday, February 18
Before 10 pm.

Remember that has to be send in a word document and
attach to the e-mail that you will send as a home work.

lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

Lesson 6 - Homework

Lesson Summary

Remember to use the Print Screen for the Lesson Summary in a Word Document, also don't forget to put every step in the image. 

Answer All the Review Questions.
The Questions you have to attach another Document, or in the same document of the Lesson Summary but separate, and send it to me.


This Home Work has to be send by:
Tuesday 21th Before 10:00 Pm

martes, 14 de enero de 2014

II Partial Exam - 10th Grade

Mesoamerican Bilingual School
2nd Partial Exam

Read carefully every single step in the Learning Skills.
If you have a question Raise your Hand.
Once that you finish the Learning Skill, Send it to my E-mail.
In Total you will send 4 Documents:
Website Hits - Student Name (Pic 1,2)
Website Hits 2 - Student Name (Pic 3,4)
Website Hits 3 - Student Name (Pic 5,6)
Eco Tours - Student Name (Pic 7,8,9)


miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014

Home Work - Lesson 4

Lesson Summary

Remember to use the Print Screen for the Lesson Summary in a Word Document, also don't forget to put every step in the image. 

Answer All the Review Questions.
The Questions you have to attach another Document, or in the same document of the Lesson Summary but separate, and send it to me.


This Home Work has to be send by:
Sunday 12th Before 10:00 Pm

martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

Home Work - Lesson 3

From the Home Work you will pick 5 questions from Lesson Summary
and 5 Questions from Review Questions. Could be anyone you want.

Lesson Summary

Remember to use the Print Screen for the Lesson Summary in a Word Document, also don't forget to put every step in the image. 

Answer the Review Questions.
The Questions you have to attach another Document, or in the same document of the Lesson Summary but separate, and send it to me.


This Home Work has to be send by:
Friday 6th Before 10:00 Pm

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

Recuperacion - I Partial

Mesoamerican Bilingual School
1st Partial - Recuperation

Read carefully every single step in the Learning Skill.
If you have a question Raise your Hand.
Once that you finish the Learning Skill, Send it to my E-mail.

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

1st Partial Exam - 10th Grade

Mesoamerican Bilingual School
1st Partial Exam

Read carefully every single step in the Learning Skills.
If you have a question Raise your Hand.
Once that you finish the Learning Skill, Send it to my E-mail.

Good Luck !!

Mr. Neal

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Home Work - Chapter 2 - Part 2

Lesson Summary

- Insert and Delete cells
- Find Data in a Worksheet
- Replace Data with different data with different data in the Worksheet
- Use AutoFill to copy and fill series
- Rename Worksheets
- Insert and Delete Worksheets
- Move and Copy Worksheets
- Hide and Unhide Worksheets
- Add Color to teh Worksheet tabs

Answer the following Review Questions.

- Explain the difference between using the copy and AutoFill features
- How would you set up teh values if the AutoFill series is not a common series, such as weekdays, moths or years?
- Provide examples of when you might want to duplicate a worksheet
- What is the maximun length of a worksheet tab name
- When you insert new worksheet using the insert Worksheet tab, in what side appears the new worksheet.

Remember to use the Print Screen for the Lesson Summary. and  send it on Attach Microsoft Word Document. Also, The Questions you have to attach another Document or in the same document of the Lesson Summary but separate, and send it to me.


This Home Work has to be send by:
Wednesday 23th Before 10:00 Pm

Home Work - Chapter 2 - Part 1

Lesson Summary

- Edit Cells and Undo Changes
- Use Paste Special
- Use teh Office Clipboard
- Change Column Widths
- Change Rows Heights
- Use AutoFit Columns or Rows
- Hide and Unhide Row and Columns
- Inser and Delete Rows and Columns

Answer the following Review Questions.

- Provide examples of when you might want to add several items to the Office Clipboard.
- Provide examples of when using teh AutoFit command would be the best option.
- Explain how pressing Delete to delete the contents of a cell differs from using the Detele Cells commands.
- Provide examples of when you may want to hide rows or Columns
- What items can Excel search for, in a Worksheet?
- Give an example of when you would use Replace rather than Replace all in a Worksheet.  

Remember to use the Print Screen for the Lesson Summary. and  send it on Attach Microsoft Word Document. Also, The Questions you have to attach another Document or in the same document of the Lesson Summary but separate, and sent it to me.


This Home Work has to be sent it by:
Sunday 20th Before 10:00 Pm

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

Fecha de Entrega

La tarea debe de enviada
El Domingo 6 de Octubre
antes de la 10:00 Pm.

Mr. Neal
Answer the following Questions.
you can send the asnwers to me in a microsoft excel document to my e-mail.

1. List some of the benefits of using an electronic spreasheet?
2. Explain the difference between a workbook and a worksheet.?
3. Explain commands are grouped on the Ribbon and how you access them?
4. Explain the diferent between using the save and the save as commands?
5. Provide examples of difference type data?
6. Mention some of the keyboard shortcuts we learn in class?

Lesson Summary
In this part of the HW. you guys will show me in a microsoft excel document, how to:
- Switch between windows
- Save a document in diferent formats
- Selec Cells
- Insert Symbols and special Character

For this part you can use the Print Screen Key of you Keyboard and then, paste every step
in a microsoft word docuemnt. Finally, attach the file in your email and send it to me.